Cat Adoption Checklist

Cat Adoption Checklist

If you want to adopt a cat, you'll need this cat adoption checklist. Here you'll find out what type of products you need, whether it is cat food for your new cat, a litter box, or even a cat collar.

Why should you Prepare by Using a Cat Adoption Checklist?

Not a lot of people prepare as much as they should when they adopt a feline friend. That is why it's so important that you use a cat adoption checklist, so you can make sure that you have all the cat essentials for your adult cat or new pet. The cost of adopting a cat can be as high as $405 for the first year, and then $340 a year after that. By budgeting for all the cat essentials now, you can make sure that you have everything you need for your new pet or adult cat. Take a look below to view our cat adoption checklist for your new pet.

Cat Food and Water Bowls for your New Cat

When you make your new pet cat adoption checklist, the first thing you should be picking up is some food and water bowls. You can buy any material you want here, but be mindful of the type of food you intend to feed. Pet food comes in two forms, you have wet cat food and dry cat food.

Your new pet may already have a preference, so talk to the previous cat owners (or animal shelter) to make sure the cat food you are buying is suitable. If you are picking up an adopted cat, this is even more important. Metal food and water bowls are common and easy to clean when feeding wet food, but your new cat may not like the sound and might prefer plastic food and water bowls instead. This same concept can apply to your cat litter box as well.

Keep reading to find out more about cat essentials and why the litter box you choose matters for your new pet.

Cat Litter and Litter Box Choices for your Feline Friend

Next up on this cat adoption checklist, a litter box. Cats do have preferences for cat litter, so take the time to learn about the types of litter box and cat litter that's available so you can make a solid choice. Your feline friend will eventually tell you what they like in terms of their litter box, but for now, it helps to choose a few options for your new cat.

Cat litter and a litter box is one of the many cat essentials you'll want to focus on for your new cat or adopted furry friend.

Cat Grass for your New Cat

Cat grass is a great investment for your new pet. It's also one of the top cat essentials. This should be on your adoption checklist purely because it provides your new cat with a lot of enrichment.

When you buy cat grass for your feline friend, you will soon find that it gives them a lot of mental stimulation. People often combine cat grass with a cat tree, along with new cat toys. Cat grass offer many benefits for your new cat which include improving your cats digestive system and providing folic acid which helps to transport oxygen around the body.


So, as you can see, this cat adoption checklist gives you a rough idea of the cat essentials you need for your new pet. By making sure you have a cat tree for your new cat or new pet, you can be sure to give them all of the cat essentials they need to settle right in.

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